Female Hair Loss with Dr. Amber Krogsrud ND - #15

Female hair loss affects over 30 million women in the US alone during their lifetime. Depression, anxiety and loss of self-confidence are the trifecta of emotions when it comes to hair loss. Birth control, pharmaceuticals, peri-menopause and stress are at the top of the list when assessing root causes. There are different types of female hair loss, shedding and thinning and the process of discovering your why requires patience, calmness and a commitment to possible lifestyle changes. No one case is like the other. Varying lifestyles, genetics, nutrition, sleep, stress management, hormonal imbalances, thyroid health and gut health all play a role. Dr. Amber sheds light on the more common causes, what’s happening in our bodies and how to start healing. We cover the different types of hair loss and current remedies to support healthy hair growth which include gut microbiome support, nutrient absorption support on a cellular level, optimal nutrition and lifestyle practices to reduce stress. Dr. Amber shares more advanced hair growth modalities including PRP and exosome injection treatments, red light therapy, peptide therapy, topical serums and the current pharmaceuticals that may be needed for short-term support.

Dr. Amber may be found here:

Website: www.drambernd.com

IG: doctorambernd

FB: Better Health with Dr. Amber

Twitter: Dr. Amber Krogsrud

Be sure to check out my blog post on female hair loss too.

By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice or for making any lifestyle changes to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any of my guests on my podcast.

Kristin Smith