What to Expect When Working with a Health Coach


So, you’re thinking about signing up for health coaching services but aren’t sure what to expect. You've heard about the benefits of working with a health coach, but maybe you've also heard a few rumors that make you wonder if it’s the right fit for you. If this describes you, you are in the right place.

4 Myths About Health Coaches

Myth #1: Health coaching is only for people who are sick.

Everyone can benefit from working with a health coach. You do not need to have a chronic health issue to justify working with a health coach. Health coaches empower their clients, with science-backed strategies to make lifestyle changes. Health coaches focus on a collaborative root cause approach with their clients, considering multiple aspects of health such as nutrition, sleep, cognitive function, gut health, stress management, and movement. Yes, health coaches work with people who have autoimmune diseases, ADHD, type 2 diabetes, and fertility issues. We also work with people who already live healthy lives, want to hone in on a new health goal, and want collaborative support.

Myth #2: A health coach will give me a strict meal plan and rigorous exercises.

It is outside a health coach's scope of practice to prescribe diets or exercise routines, unless that health coach also has another license or certificate, such as being a Registered Dietician or Fitness Trainer. You can expect your health coach to support you in staying compliant with a nutrition plan or exercise routine already prescribed by a licensed professional, using various science-backed strategies. A health coach will never tell you what to do. They will support you in implementing strategies that align with your greater health vision by making S.M.A.R.T goals, for example. These types of goals comprise Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely components. Check out our blog post for more information on how to create a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

Myth #3: Health coaches are medical experts.

Health coaches are not licensed medical professionals but rather experts in behavior change. Health coaches do not diagnose or prescribe. They will hold you accountable for your growth and be by your side while you make lifestyle changes that benefit your overall health. Health coaches are specially trained in positive psychology and behavior change modalities, and educated with a general understanding of physiology, nutrition, stress management, movement, and mind-body medicine using evidence-based research.

Myth #4: Health coaches are flawlessly healthy.

Health coaches are people too and often come to the health coaching profession due to a health condition they overcame for themselves. This is why many health coaches work in specialty fields, such as emotional eating, cancer, Lyme disease, and more. We are on our health journey just like you.

Health coaches are empathetic team members who will support you, hold you accountable, and cheer for you from the sidelines. We know that the process of making lifestyle changes is not linear, thus, your health coach will help you remember your greater health goal and help you find your way back on your health journey.

For more information, check out our blog post, Why a Health Coach is Part of Your Health Equation, and our podcast series, What is a Health Coach?

Jill Foos